Empowering Futures, Eradicating Exploitation

VRF Scholars Anti Trafficking And Forced Labor Program


As a sponsor of a survivor of forced labor trafficking and abuse, we select from among the children who have been rescued those who are in the worst situations and who are at the greatest risk of being re- trafficked due to negligent families. Many of our children have families who can also be rehabilitated, but in some cases where children are orphaned or are families are bent on re-trafficking the child, we will intervene with the comprehensive Volta Resilient Foundation Scholars program to allow for that individual to achieve their full potential and ensure future abuse never occurs.
The Volta Resilient Foundation Scholars program provides individual survivors with individual sponsors. Sponsorship includes supporting all their basic and welfare needs, counseling, boarding school when necessary, and private schooling. Sponsorship is comprehensive and continuous through university or technical school. Each term sponsors receive reports about their students and have the opportunity to write to them.

Support the welfare and education of a neglected and needy student